EF20 - v1.1

Eurofurence 20
Crime Scene Berlin

Kyell Gold
Day Thu - Con Day 2 - 2014-08-21
Room Panel Room 1 — Paris
Start time 14:00
Duration 01:30
ID 500
Event type Other
Track Supersponsor Event
Language used for presentation English

Erotic Cupcake Hour

Kyell Gold will read some of his so far unpublished stories

"Cupcakes" are the line of novellas written by Kyell, foozzzball, and Rikoshi, and published through FurPlanet. In this panel, our guest of honor, Kyell Gold, will read from an upcoming Cupcake due to be published in September. This will be the first public reading from the story anywhere, exclusively for our supersponsors.